On the 21st I went in and had 110cc put in each side, this was the day after I had those horrid muscle spasms. I had my friend Suzy go in with me to this appointment. While I never look down during injections, Suzy did watch. She seemed thrilled with how she could see the boobs puffing up during the injections. With the 110cc put in, that puts me at 590cc total. That number may change depending on if Dr. Mess had put any saline in on the day of the surgery. According to my nurse Renee, I will probably be inflated to 800-850cc before we are done with expanding. YAY!! It is normal to over expand as they need the extra skin for the switchout.
Well, I thought the muscle spasms I had before were bad. I was wrong. That night the muscle spasms had me screaming and writhing in pain. I was able to get myself out of bed and crawl to momma's room to get her up. I was absolutely terrified of how bad the pain was. I ended up sitting up with her until about 7am the next morning. I drugged myself up and went back to bed. I've had a few nights that have sucked, but not nearly as bad as that night.
The next day I had to go to Freshman Orientation for Mike. Talk about a reality check. Then of course you add my pain on top of it, I did not want to be there and going on a tour of the school and listening to rambling. That may not be what it was, but that's what it felt like when I was there. I did suck it up and "soldier" on and go though. That's my job as mom.
Oh, did I mention in a previous blog, as I am pretty out of it right now and feeling like crap, Mike made the JV football team. Talk about another proud mom moment there. I was neglecting myself by not taking my needed meds to make sure that he was getting to his practices and such. I wasn't going to punish him for my illness. Another one of those that's my job things.
Then it seemed as though an angel dropped out of the sky. One of Mike's teammates said that he could ride home with them. They literally live around the corner from us. This was such a big help. Even the teammate's mom told me I need to be taking care of me and that if I needed anything, just to let her know. So now I don't have to worry about whether I can get Mike to and from practice if Andy isn't home.
Okay, so back to the reconstruction stuff. I have set the date for my switch out. October 25th I will be going back in and having my implants put in and some fat grafting done. The fat grafting is to make sure that they look normal instead of the whole Pam Anderson look that people relate to implants. I am looking forward to that date simply because that means I am one step closer to being done with this process.
If you look at the pictures on the other tab above, you'll see the progress. You might notice that one side looks different than the other. Not only in size, but in shape. The reason for this is because the muscle shifted and caused the expander to shift. This is common, so don't be alarmed. At this point I'm not. As long as they look normal when done.
Last week, I received a package in the mail from one of my mommy friends. She made me a beautiful necklace to represent my journey. She makes hand-stamped jewelry. Check her out if you get a chance. She is a work at home mom. You can find her store at www.etsy.com/shop/memorylanejewelry Again, I cried for the kindness and the thought to do something so wonderful for me. I truly feel as though I don't deserve as many blessings as I have had through this journey.

Today was an accomplished day. I got the big kid up for his first day of Freshman year. Yes, I was "that" mom and took a picture as he was headed out. Then I gave him a hug. Then I promptly started crying as this is my big baby and he is growing up so fast. Then we had the conference to meet Landen's teacher today. Yep, my 2nd baby is headed to Pre-K. Where has the time gone? Let's not forget the 2 hour trip to the grocery and then putting it all away. So I am pretty beat.
I'll try and update after my next set of injections on Wednesday, but with the pain, my classes starting back up and Mike's football, I am finding life to be pretty hectic. Please forgive me if I don't keep up nearly as much these days. I will do as I can. Don't forget to check out the pics section if you are following that, to see the last updates there.
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