So 2 of my older sisters were having breast issues. Both of them went in for procedures which essentially turned into them having biopsies. Sister 1 Lynda has not gotten the results back, at least not that I know of. Sister 2 Chelle did get her results back. She has been diagnosed with Atypical Hyperplasia.
Atypical Hyperplasia, according to the Mayo clinic is a precancerous condition in the breast. So, she doesn't have a breast cancer diagnosis, but it could turn into it if it is not taken care of. For the time being she is not going to do anything. She did go in to have the BRAC testing done to see if it is genetic. If it is, then she will be getting a new set of boobs too. We should know the results of it in 2 weeks.
So that leads to my next set of concerns.
All 3 of my older sisters have had hysterectomies due to several different issues. One of the sisters actually had cervical cancer. If that isn't scary enough, my mom had a full hysterectomy years ago due to tumors that didn't appear to be cancerous, and my little sister Holli had an ovary removed during pregnancy due to a cyst.
So if this test comes back positive and already knowing of the girly part issues that there is in the family, should I push to have a hysterectomy done? The last thing that I need on top of the already devastating crap I am dealing with is to find out I have some kind of girly part cancer.
Then the question is, will the insurance cover it? Will the doctor agree to it? Would it be considered necessary or not? I know I'm probably doing more worrying than I need to right now, but this is serious stuff that is hitting all at the same time. Not that I really want a hysterectomy (while it would be nice to not have the witch visit), I don't want to do something that is not medically necessary. I also don't want to take any chances.
I'm really not sure if I want to know the information or not. I feel like it is opening Pandora's box, but on the other hand it may be great for preventative measures.
As thrilled as I am that I had my hysterectomy, I wouldn't recommend it unless medically necessary. Especially with how you are about asking for help. I was down and unable to do too much for about 2 weeks or so after mine, and that was with keeping my ovaries. I'm unsure if having the ovaries taken as well would affect things or not.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for preventative measures when called for (i.e. your 2nd breast getting done) but if you aren't already having issues with something, hereditary or not, I'd hold off.
Just my 2 cents worth.